Illetian language

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Illetian is a language spoken in Illetia. It is one of languages spoken in the Fernindalian Island and not related to Fernian. Due to being spread in a very limited area, it does not have different dialects. It is a language isolate.

Illetian language is unrelated to Chemical Culture!
The topic of this page unrelated to the Chemical Culture project, Illetian language has a page on this site for archival purposes.


History of the Illetian language is untraceable since it was not written until the 16th century. First written Illetian document was made in 1547 and it was written with the traditional Fernian script. The Illetian language was thought to be a dialect of Fernindalian until the 19th century when European linguists researched its origins.


Word order

Illetian language uses both subject-verb-object and verb-subject-object orders. For example:

  • Taivikgu niit tii artuknuk [sent (he/she)]-[she]-[one]-[letter]

can also be written as

  • Niit taivikgu tii artuknuk [she]-[sent (he/she)]-[one]-[letter]


The Illetian language is written with limited vowels (only a, u, i) and combinations of them can give different vowel sounds. For example the combination of "ai" in "Ilaitia" is pronounced same as "e" in "Illetia". The combination of "au" is like o in only. su represents the th sound.

  • Ailizavaisu is Elizabeth
  • aisuillaini: ethylene,
  • traihlaraisuillainu (to:.ra.i.xljar.aeth.len)


Mannan: becoming

Manni: I become

Manna: you become (singular)

Mannu: she/he/it becomes

Mannit: we become

Mannat: you become (plural)

Mannut: they become

Mannigi: I became

Manniga: you became (singular)

Mannigu: she/he/it became

Mannigituk: we became


Illetian and English:

Antyruung ha Tataayikkannaniyu, at sai han yittung. (If you get hypothermia, it's your fault.)

Tataayikkannaniyu at aranuung-tsukkinaat ustii 35°C (piimung-uut tsukki-sailsius)

[Low-fever] [is] [human-temperature] [below] [thirty-five] [heat-celsius]

(Hypothermia is human body temperature below 35°C.)

Kurinigi i a Tataayikkannaniyu [Die-d] [I] [from/by] [hypothermia]

Tataa: low Yikkannaniyu: temperature/fever

Katagata un Naayavuaik [Gate-s/Door-s] [of] [(the) school]

Tuti ma? [Now] [what]

suuttakkuna nuklaairi [war-by] [nuclear] nuclear war

Illetian vs Fernian

Ipautsaamia (Tataayikkanniyu) at Aranuung-tsukkinaat ustii piimung-uut Tsukki-Sailsius.

Hipotérmija (Jekullenejko) le lenejko tut aráviiar ustodí tritove šann santsigráda ta.

False friends

"Varliannan" means "amputation" in Illetian, the similar "Farlejanan" is a female name meaning "whole, complete" in Fernian.

"Kalau" means death in Illetian, "Kalo" is a Fernian unisex name meaning "endless, immortal".

"Fainliktut" means streaming water in Illetian, "Fernlittuk" means fire in Fernian.


I: I/me

It: my/mine

Ha: you (singular)

Han: your/yours

Nuut: he/neutral

Nuutuk: his/neutral

Niit: she/her

Niituk: her

Ittu: We/us

Ittuuk: our/ours

Titaa: you (plural)

Tituuk: your/yours

Titu: they/them

Tituuk: their/theirs



1. Tii

2. Zii

3. Pii

4. Dii

5. Uut

6. Uuz

7. Uup

8. Uud

9. Paa

10. Mung

11. Mung-tii

12. Mung-zii

13. Mung-pii

20. Ziimung

30. Piimung

50. Uutmung

69. Uuzmung-paa

70. Uupmung

100. Uvu

101. Uvu-tii

200. Ziiuvu

300. Piiuvu

600. Uuzuvu