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[[File:Trilene2024uwu.png|thumb|left|Trichloroethylene as an anaesthetist]]
Trichloroethylene had also worked as a dry-cleaner after [[Carbon Tetrachloride]] retired from dry-cleaning, often alone or together with [[Perchloroethylene]]. She saw Perchloroethylene as a rival and wanted to overthrow her. Trichloroethylene was overthrown by Perchloroethylene after the 1950s but as of the 21st century, Trichloroethylene still does minor dry-cleaning jobs. She saw herself above Perchloroethylene because of being stronger but her strength was too much for this industry and she unintendedly destroyed some garments during dry-cleaning. She had also debauched several people who were working with her. She also believed that Tetrachloroethylene was trained by C. Tetrachloride.
[[file:TCEattheindustry.png|thumb|Trichloroethylene in the industry, 2000s]]
Before her career in anaesthesia and dry-cleaning, Trichloroethylene worked in the food industry in the 1920s. She had also worked in metal industries but later retired and was replaced by [[Trichloroethane I]]. After the execution of Trichloroethane I, Trichloroethylene restarted working in metal industries. She had many other jobs such as cleaning rockets and as a refrigeration consultant.
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==Personality and relationships==
Trichloroethylene is generally nice to others. She is funny, calm and friendly but not as respectful as Perchloroethylene. She is very hardworking, stubborn and jealous. She will say that she is better than any other [[Solvent]] in the industries, despite being one of the most chemically unstable Chlorinated Solvents. She does not like kids and wants to ruin their lives and kill them.<small>{{CitationNeeded|based.}}</small>
Trichloroethylene hates when humans or other Chemicals complain about something related to her. She cannot take criticism. Even years later, Trichloroethylene still has not accepted that she was overthrown by other Chemicals, especially Perchloroethylene and her own daughter Halothane. Trichloroethylene also believes that Perchloroethylene and her will be [[execution|executed]] for extensive pollution.
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File:TCEdollbase.png|Base for a paperdoll
[[file:TCEattheindustry.png|thumb|Trichloroethylene in the industry, 2000s]]
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