A Chemical[1] is a humanoid entity that has a body made of one specific chemical compound (can be both organic or inorganic) and less of related compounds. They are named after the most present compound to avoid confusion between Chemicals. Most of the time, they look just like humans.
Due to being made of/by Elements (the gods), all Chemicals are considered as demigods.
Chemicals are named after the chemical compound that presents the most in their bodies. Their names are unique and should be capitalised to avoid confusion with the associated compound. For example, Acetone's name should be always capitalised as Acetone or Dimethyl Ketone.
Human names
Some Chemicals who work along with humans had given themselves human-sounding names that are similar to their chemical names which were given by humans. At most cases, those names sound alike to their human-given chemical names. It can be viewed as a rejection of human domination or mimicking humans. They chose themselves family names to "keep families together"
For example; "Eccleston" is the chosen (by Vinyl Chloride himself) family name of Chloroethenes. Vinyl Chloride decided to call himself Victor Eccleston and Perchloroethylene called herself Teodora Eccleston because "tetra-" sounded like Teodora.
Chemicals rarely feel physical pain but they can feel "chemical pain" which can be a thousand time worse than the worst pain for humans. Decomposition is almost always excruciatingly painful.
Based on 23 characters, the average height of Chemicals is 176 cm.
Every Chemical is a different individual, hence Chemicals' behaviours cannot be view as a whole but individually. They are often portrayed as as sentient as humans, which is not entirely true since Chemicals do not experience human-like emotions.
Most Chemicals are human-friendly and accept working with humans. The ones who are closer to humans are more human-like behaviours and speech, they learn human emotions and often can mimic human emotions in appropriate situations. The ones with less human contact are less human-like; lack of emotions and strange speech.
They speak in human languages to each other. The most common languages among Chemicals are German, French, Latin and English. Languages such as Chinese, Persian, Russian, Japanese and Spanish are common too. However, they do not speak every language and might need help from human translators.
Chemicals have existed for millennia prior to the first living organism on earth.
Chemicals have always been living together with humans ever since humans were born.
- ↑ The noun Chemical should be capitalised when mentioning the entity