Fernindalian language

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Fernian, or Fernindalian is a language spoken in the fictional countries of MV:Fernia, Communist Autonomous Republic of Ramnuglian Island and Fernindalian Republic of Toherheim. Fernian uses both Cyrillic (Fernian dialect) and Latin (Toherheimian and Ramnuglian dialects). Fernians adopted the Cyrillic script in 1894 after the communication issues with traditional Fernian script caused. The Fernian Latin alphabet was started to be used after 1950s but it declined over time. It is considered a language isolate. It has been affected by the Indo-European languages since the early 19th century.

Flag of the Fernindalian Island representing the union of Fernia, Illetia and Toherheim. It can also be used for the Fernindalian language.

Illetian language, another language spoken in the Fernindalian Island, is not related.

Fernindalian language is unrelated to Chemical Culture!
The topic of this page unrelated to the Chemical Culture project, Fernindalian language has a page on this site for archival purposes.


The Fernindalian language originates back to 2nd century. It was written in unique scripts; bottom-to-top and right-to-left, always always written with symbols that represent syllables, instead of alphabets.


Fernindalian alphabet
Cyrillic Latin
Ѧ / Я Ja
Ѥ Je
Х H / Kh
И / І I
Ї Ji
Ж Ž / Zh
Љ Lj
Њ Nj
Ң Ng
Ё Jo / Ö
Щ Šč
Ц Ts
Ђ / Ч Č
W / U
Ю Ju / Ü


All Fernindalian dialects have high mutual intelligibility. Although the Fernindalian language is flexible with word orders, it may define the dialect.

  • Valzuc dialect: this dialect is mainly spoken in the capital of Fernia. It has many loanwords from European languages due to European migrants and its grammar is affected by European languages. It has the subject-verb-object order.
  • Vyottske dialect: this dialect is mainly spoken in western Fernia by natives of Fernia. This dialect is considered untouched by foreign languages. It has the subject-object-verb order.
  • Tsizhanzha dialect: this dialect is mixed with Illetian and Toherheimian dialects. It has the subject-object-verb order.
  • Ramnuglian dialect: this dialect is spoken in the Ramnuglian Island. It has traces of now-extinct native Ramnuglian language, hence it uses verb-object-subject order mainly.
  • Toherheimian dialect: this dialect is always written with Latin script and differs from other dialects by spellings and pronunciations. It is heavily influenced by German and Italian, it has more loanwords than the Valzuc dialect. It has the subject-verb-object order.


"Un" is equivalent to the English "I" and can be anywhere in the sentence.

"Omn" is equivalent to the English "I am" and can be at the beginning or the end of the word (not middle).

"Un Teresajam" / "Teresajam" = I am Teresa

Erešketekajem = I'm in danger (-kajem = I'm in)

Erešketejam = I'm the danger (-jam I'm)


Karumajnnan: to have

Karumajn: I have

Karumajne: I had

Karumajnke: I will have

Karumajaš: you have (sing.)

Karumajaše: you had (sing.)

Karumajaške: you will have (sing.)

Karumajatu: he/she has

Karumajate: he/she had

Karumajatuke: he/she will have

Karumajanar: we have

Karumajanare: we had

Karumajanarke: we will have

Karumajašar: you have (plur.)

Karumajašare: you had (plur.)

Karumajašarke:you will have (plur.)

Karumajar: they have

Karumajare: they had

Karumajarke: they will have


Un amanowyj jogurta nabadatatzen myntneka.

(I have never eaten yoghurt in my life)

badatz: to eat

badatzn: I eat

badatze: ate

badatzen: I ate

nabadatz: to not to eat

nabadatzn: I do not eat

nabadatzen: I did not eat

mynt: life

myntne: my life

myntneka: in my life

Un seltzenuar termobarik tatign [I] [weapon-s] [thermobaric] [want(first person singular)]

(I want thermobaric weapons)

1912'se vafernukka, anan aren temiar'sen kotlanser

[1912-(s) [winter-(in)], [they] [his/her/its] [leg-(s) -(his/her/its)-(to)] [cut-(did)-(they)]

"Hloroform nakarumajn" = I don't have chloroform


Šárengajo: Hello

Jita matij: Welcome

Jita metotzar: Good morning

Jita henotzar: Good evening

Jita pepotzar: Good night

Jitukin: Goodbye

Ta / Ne: yes / no

Amanowyj (Аманоуый): Never

Portowyj (Портоуый): Rarely / hardly ever

Zaser (Засер): Sometimes

Serrowyj (Серроуый): Usually / generally

Zortolwyj (Зортолуый): Always

Tuna'yšytte (Тунаышыите): of course

Syanme (Сыанме): thanks

Mitunnaak: please

Tely: after

Le: is

De le/Le de (interchangeable): is not

Авеёу (avejou): woman / Avejar: women

Какоёк (kakojok)= man / Kakojokar: men

Juultzif (Юулциф): agony

Mija (Мия): cat

Paku (Паку): dog

Jakki (Якки): black

Tahe (Тахе): white

Pronouns (Utitatituenkar)

Utital: self

Un / Omn:[1] I (Omn - I am)

Une / Mon: my

Du Ne / Men: mine

Une / Meo: me / to me

Omnuti: myself

Tza: you (singular)

Tzan: your (singular)

Tzas: yours (singular)

Tzanitu: yourself

Arn: he / she / it[2]

Arne: his / her / its

Aren his / hers / its

Arenitu= himself / herself / itself

Votze: we

Votzen: our / ours

Votzitu ourselves

Ša: you (plural/formal)

Šen: your / yours (plural/formal)

Šaitu: yourselves (plural/formal)

Anan: they / them

Anen: their/ theirs

Ananitu: themselves

Some sentences

Na-erešketekajem, Skajlaeru. Erešketejam. An kakojok bebi aren onnatu je šakittatu je meo hannaš? Ne! Bebiannam.

(I'm not in danger, Skyler. I'm the danger. A man opens his door and gets shot and you think of me? No! I'm the one who knocks.)


Fernindalian names are written in the order of family name, given name and parents' first given names names. Family names can be inherited from both the mother and father. One person can have up to three given names, along with their parents' first given name and family names, they can have up to seven names. For example, a member of both Tengma and Erin families whose parents are named Kalo and Akari can be named as "Erin-Tengma Eljotu Noran Kalo-Akari". This name can be simply written as "Eljotu N. Erin-Tengma" in western naming style with avoiding using the parents' names.

Fernindalian names are often unisex but female names usually end with -o/on and male names end with -a/an or -i.

Common names

Fernindalian female names: Tenma, Evalon, Kalo/Galo, Eljotu, Ljero, Rohan/Rošan, Malorie, Noran, Jolanda...

Fernindalian male names: Milan, Nolan, Kali, Saša, Azda, Akari, Kara/Kora, Sekašu, Munu...

Fernindalian surnames: Mofu, Marijan, Tengma, Kolan, Aletsandrjan, Erin, Anmorinko, Kalohan, Ajato, Kharktsrian, Lotsukujan, Itautsung, Kalen, Karu, Ymeru, Unghan..


Traditional Fernindalian numerals were replaced with Indo-European numbers after the 1840s.

1 Ná на́ / traditionally: ang / an

2 Dá да́

3 Terí тери́

4 Kart/Kat карт

5 Šán ша́н

6 Sís си́с

7 Veré вере́

8 Aftá афта́

9 Onht онхт

10 Nátove на́тове

20 Dátove да́тове

30 Terítove тери́тове

40 Kattove каттове

50 Šántove ша́нтове

60 Sístove си́стове

70 Vertóve верто́ве

80 Aftóve афто́ве

90 Onhtove онхтове

100 Náan на́ан

200 Dáan да́ан

300 Terían тери́ан

400 Kartan

500 Šánnan ша́ннан

600 Síssan си́ссан

700 Veréan вере́ан

800 Aftán афта́н

900 Onhtan онхтан

1000 Nara нара́

2000 Dará дара́

3000 Terírá тери́ра́

4000 Kartra

5000 Šanrá шанра́

2021: Dara datovena

1984: naanonhtan aftovekart

1122: Naranaan datoveda

Naku: first

Daku: second

Teriku: third

Kattiku: fourth

Seasons (Ukituutar)

Tattišanuk, Таттишанук: spring

Vanasuk, Ванасук: summer

Tonotsuk, Тоноцук: autumn

Vafernuk, Вафернук: winter

Body temperature related words and terms (Tytsakar tor lenejko)

Jekullenejko (ѥкуллене́йко): hypothermia

Jekul: low

Lenejko: body temperature/fever

Arojlenejko (аро́йлене́йко): hyperthermia

Aroj: high

Zjodmaite (Зёдмаите): fever

  • Jekullenejko (ѥкуллене́йко) is a term for hypothermia in Fernian.
  • хипотерми́я is basically hypothermia and mainly used in scientific context.
  • Папши́н (Papšin) means frozen body, it's used for people who are frozen but not dead yet. Equates to severe/profound hypothermia. Papšin may also mean frostbite.
  • Ши́нтаа́лечка (Šíntaálečka) means person with hypothermia.
  • аро́йлене́йко (arojlenejko) means non-fever high body temperature, hyperthermia in traditional Fernian.
  • Lenejko means both fever and body temperature. To separate from fever, aravijabyl temperitarie (ара́ви́ябыл темпе́ритари́е́) is used for body (core) temperature.
  • Зёдмаите (zjodmaite) means fever.
  • Varkenjar (Варке́ня́р) means heat stroke. "Arojlenejko tor varkenjar" means "heat stroke related hyperthermia"

Example text

Ta le Hipotérmija je Papšin? Hipotérmija (Jekúllenejko) le lenejko tut aráviiar ustodí teritove šann santsigráda ta.

Hipotérmija'se Levelar: 1. Hipotérmija Botseí Lenejko le ustodí 35°C, arúun 32°C. Tityrannan je konfutsija.

2. Hipotérmija Jukuun Lenejko le ustodí 32°C, aruun 28°C. Tityrannan sygutse ans konfutsija katrutse.

3. Hipotérmija Satsáan Lenejko le ustodí 28°C. Tsegtekelaatingtannan paradoksut.

4. Hipotérmija Rokhá Lenejko le ustodí 20~24°C. Ananitútar tileituk akhotse.

Papšin le šintatnanse tut gurydintúar pérennan.

Body parts

Nits: foot

Tagan: knee

Temi: leg

Atsut: hips

Talam: hand

Katsii: elbow

Etto: arm

Kaajit: shoulder

Bava: head

Chemical names

  • Hloroform /xʀo.roː.for.mə/ - chloroform
  • Tessorahloritte karbonem /tessɔː.ra.xʀo.riðːe kar.bʰɔː.nem̥/ - carbon tetrachloride
  • Terihloraethullen /teːr.ji.xʀo.raetsʀe.nə/

- trichloroethylene

  • Aethera Diiethulle - diethyl ether
  • Ossitte Aethullenem /os.siðːe.aetsʀe.nem̥/ - ethylene oxide
  • Alkohle izopropulle - isopropyl alcohol
  • Aketon /aːk(j)etɔ.nə/ - acetone
  • Akitute Sulfuriki - sulphuric acid
  • Idrossitte Natrijomem /id.tros.siðːe na.trijo.mem̥/ - sodium hydroxide


  1. Dialect differences between Fernia and Toherheim
  2. No grammatical gender in pronouns